Cubes in Space - Standard Program 2024

  • Author:
    Amber Agee-DeHart
  • Level:
    Basic to Advanced 
  • Time to Complete:
    at least 6 weeks
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Standard Program
for Educators - 2024

This program provides a 250+ page curriculum for download, instructional presentations, exciting hands-on activities, learning activities, formative and summative assessments, answer keys, and videos. EVERYTHING you need to facilitate the full Cubes in Space program for your students! Want to LEARN how to teach the content, check out the Educator Training Course that INCLUDES the Standard Course content! Enrollment ends 25 February 2024.

 The integrated payment system requires a billing address.  Please note - we DO NOT and WILL NOT ever share this information with any other entity.  The integrated third-party apps that allow for credit card payment(ex: Stripe) or multiple payments (ex: AfterPay) require addresses for payment.  

Everything you need to guide students' learning!
Such a great value  

     See what's included!



250+ colorful pages chock full of educator guides, step-by-step lessons, hands-on activities, printables and fun suborbital science and aerospace graphics (yes, they CAN be a lot of nerdy fun!)

Student Science and
Engineering Notebook

Scientists and engineers use notebooks. But ours is NOT uber technical and boring! Used sequentially, the Science and Engineering Design Notebook guides student learning, research and design.

and Videos

Science communication is an integral part of a space mission or STEM program. We love to be creative and develop new media for your instruction and to use with your students. Google Slides, MS PowerPoint and videos - oh my!

Formative Assessments
and Projects

Integrating Cubes in Space into your curriculum? We've developed a series of formative and summative assessments for content modules. From exit tickets to projects, we deliver assessments to help you gauge student learning and understanding.


Connect with other educators and the Cubes in Space Team. Topic-specific modules allow you to ask questions or share your experiences with the program. There is also an Application for Spaceflight forum for extra help!

Professional Development Certificate

This program requires and investment of your time. What's the ROI besides "it's for the children"? If your students submit an Intent to Fly Form, you earn a Professional Development Certificate to use for recertification of your license or to add to your professional portfolio. 

Want to get started FAST - and learn HOW to teach the curriculum materials? 

Cubes in Space-Educator Training Course

Through a learn-and-teach approach, educators (formal, non-formal, informal, homeschool) will gain the knowledge and skills to deliver the program to their students. Asynchronous learning dominates to accommodate busy schedules! Our 250+ curriculum and instructional resources are included, and you will also be enrolled in the Standard Course. Network with other educators via the online community. For assistance, schedule face-to-face meetings or drop into our office hours. 
Meet the instructor

Amber Agee-DeHart

  • Position: Director

  • Cubes in Space
  • Experience:

  • 9 years with Cubes in Space
Over 25 years of experience in program management, communications, instruction, curriculum development and instructional design. Accomplished in the design and delivery of environmental science,  integrative STEAM, workforce development and aerospace education programs for students and teachers for  organizations such as NASA, the National Institute of Aerospace, Universities Space Research Association (USRA), idoodlesoftware inc, the Rubik Learning Initiative (RLI), and  the Virginia Space Grant Consortium (VSGC). 

Recipient of numerous awards including: the NASA LaRC Team Award; the NASA LaRC Director’s Award for Creativity, Teamwork and Innovation; the Virginia Math and Science Coalition’s Programs That Work Award; the NASA Robert H. Goddard Exceptional Achievement Team Award, and the NASA Robert H. Goddard Outreach Award.

Elected to serve as Chairperson on the University Space Research Association's Science and Engineering Education Council and serves on the Virginia Aerospace Business Association Outreach and Scholarship Committee. 

Week 02 Overview

Learning goals

This week we will continue our inquiry activities and start exploring the fundamentals of space mission design. 
  • Asking the Right Questions - Parts 1 & 2

    Pose powerful questions. Categorize the questions. Identify and prioritize the questions for which the answers are critical to your task's or project's success.
  • Engineering Design Process

    Identify the key engineering design element to begin your experiment concept exploration.  The process element will be an activity to be submitted next week. 
  • Mission Team Responsibilities and Skills

    Developing and implementing large and small scale projects involves a series of interrelated tasks and skills to be completed under a given set of parameters.  Your mission design team is no different!  Get ready to many of the tasks and. responsibilities involved in project/mission design work
  • Introduction to Space Mission Design

    Sit back and receive a broad overview of the preliminary aspects of the process of space mission design.  Guess what? You will be going through these same processes with YOUR mission design team.  

Key takeaways from this week's session:

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