Student Online Academy - 2024

  • Author:
    Amber Agee-DeHart
  • Student Level:
    14-18 Years of Age
  • Time to Complete:
    at least 9 weeks
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Online Academy
for High School Students

Learn directly from the Founder of Cubes in Space! This Academy introduces high school students to aerospace science and engineering design processes essential for conducting research and designing experiments to fly on a real NASA mission to space in the summer of 2024. (04 March- 03 May 2024)

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! - students 13-18 years of age, not attending university or college, may participate in the Online Student Academy. 

This year, only students that are U.S. citizens or permanent residents are eligible to fly experiments on the NASA sounding rocket mission in June 2024.

Both U.S. and international students are eligible to fly experiments on the NASA scientific balloon mission in late summer 2024.

Deadline to enroll: 03 March 2024

 suborbital science and engineering  
nothing but nerdy awesomeness here

Deadline to Enroll: 03 March 2024

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Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Big Science in Little Cubes

Suborbital Science 
in Action

Develop an experiment concept to be selected to fly on a Terrier Improved-Orion sounding rocket to space or a high-altitude research balloon to near space that launch from NASA facilities in the summer of 2024.  Launches provided by NASA's Sounding Rocket Program Office and NASA's Balloon Program Office - both headquartered at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center -  Wallops Flight Facility.
Ingenuity Taking Flight

Cubes in Space™

Cubes in Space™, an iEDU program, is offered in collaboration with NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Wallops Flight Facility, NASA's Langley Research Center and in partnership with Science Systems and Applications Inc. 

What's Included in this Course



Content and instruction developed and delivered to guide students to understand the specific aspects of suborbital science and engineering concepts and skills in order for students to design experiment concept.

Student Science and
Engineering Notebook

Scientists and engineers use notebooks (journals) to document their thoughts, ideas and progress. Used sequentially, the students' Science and Engineering Design Notebook becomes an invaluable resource for experiment design.

and Videos

Science and technical knowledge communication is an integral part of a space mission or STEAM-based program. Communication in the form of language and visual arts, along with data visualization, is actually the "A" in STEAM. 

Assessments, Projects
and Reflections

No "busy work" here - everything we curated has a purpose in the demonstration of development and application of newly acquired knowledge and critical thinking skills.  Reflecting on your progress is a critical part of learning.

Connect, Communicate and Collaborate

Connect, communicate and collaborate with other students through our Discussion Forums and optional face-to-face meet ups!  Learn how large teams work remotely together to create successful space missions.  

of Success

Learn aerospace science and engineering concepts along with a systems-thinking approach to problem-solving. Complete all activities to submit an Intent to Fly Form to earn a Cubes in Space Academy - Certificate of Success.

Read Testimonial | Join! | Learn! | Launch Experiment!

“IT’S THE COOLEST PROGRAM EVER!! There has been constant support from the Cubes in Space team, and I’m so glad I get to be a part of this!” - S.Patel, Cubes in Space Academy Student

Meet the instructor

Amber Agee-DeHart

  • Position: Director

  • Cubes in Space
  • Experience:

  • 10 years with Cubes in Space
Over 25 years of experience in program management, communications, instruction, curriculum development and instructional design. Accomplished in the design and delivery of environmental science,  integrative STEAM, workforce development and aerospace education programs for students and teachers for  organizations such as NASA, the National Institute of Aerospace, Universities Space Research Association (USRA), idoodlesoftware inc, the Rubik Learning Initiative (RLI), and  the Virginia Space Grant Consortium (VSGC). 

Recipient of numerous awards including: the NASA LaRC Team Award; the NASA LaRC Director’s Award for Creativity, Teamwork and Innovation; the Virginia Math and Science Coalition’s Programs That Work Award; the NASA Robert H. Goddard Exceptional Achievement Team Award, and the NASA Robert H. Goddard Outreach Award.

Elected to serve as Chairperson on the University Space Research Association's Science and Engineering Education Council and serves on the Virginia Aerospace Business Association Outreach and Scholarship Committee. 
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