Cubes in Space - Free Program 

  • Author:
    Amber Agee-DeHart
  • Level:
    Basic to Advanced 
  • Time to Complete:
    at least 4 weeks
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Free Program 
for Educators
In this FREE program, you will receive sounding rocket and scientific balloon fact sheets and other resources to help your students write and submit an Application for Spaceflight for the NASA sounding rocket and/or scientific balloon missions.
  • Links to NASA videos/resources
  • Application for Spaceflight Guide

What's included?

  • Application for Spaceflight Guide
  • Links NASA resources and videos
  • Checklists and Fact Sheets
  • Access to Application for Spaceflight 


This course environment provides the basic documents and resources for your students to compete in this global aerospace science and engineering design challenge.  If you want the full curriculum, instructional resources and assessments, check out the Cubes in Space - Standard Course!

Comprehensive Application for Spaceflight Guide

Provides detailed information about what is required and how to successfully complete all three components of the Application for Spaceflight: 
  • Intent to Fly Form
  • Experiment Proposal
  • Technical Diagram



You will have the essential documents, and resources to assist your students in the design of their research and experiment concept, and the submission of the Application for Spaceflight.


We will get you pointed in the right direction with a list of NASA suborbital science and other STEM-related links to prepare students to design and propose experiments. 

Application for Spaceflight

It is always free to submit an experiment concept design. When the application system opens, you will receive links to your dedicated Drive folder and access to the Application for Spaceflight. 

It is always free to participate in the program and for students to submit Applications for Spaceflight.

If an experiment is selected, there is a $70 flight fee. The small fee helps to defray mission costs for the program.  

Want more than the basic FREE program? 

Cubes in Space - Standard Course

This course provides a 200+ page curriculum for download, instructional presentations, exciting hands-on activities, learning activities, formative and summative assessments, answer keys, student printables and instructional videos. Enroll in this course, and a flight fee for one experiment is waived.  Sound good to you?  C'mon, you know it does!
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Want to get started FAST - and learn HOW to teach the curriculum materials? 

Cubes in Space - Educator Training Course

Through a learn-and-teach approach, educators (formal, non-formal, informal, homeschool) will gain the knowledge and skills to deliver the program to their students. Asynchronous learning dominates to accommodate busy schedules! Our 250+ curriculum and instructional resources are included, and you will also be enrolled in the Standard Course. Network with other educators via the online community. For assistance, schedule face-to-face meetings or drop into our office hours. Enroll in this course, and a flight fee for one experiment is waived. 
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Meet the instructor

Amber Agee-DeHart

  • Position: Director

  • Cubes in Space
  • Experience:

  • 9 years with Cubes in Space
Over 25 years of experience in program management, communications, instruction, curriculum development and instructional design. Accomplished in the design and delivery of environmental science,  integrative STEAM, workforce development and aerospace education programs for students and teachers for  organizations such as NASA, the National Institute of Aerospace, Universities Space Research Association (USRA), idoodlesoftware inc, the Rubik Learning Initiative (RLI), and  the Virginia Space Grant Consortium (VSGC). 

Recipient of numerous awards including: the NASA LaRC Team Award; the NASA LaRC Director’s Award for Creativity, Teamwork and Innovation; the Virginia Math and Science Coalition’s Programs That Work Award; the NASA Robert H. Goddard Exceptional Achievement Team Award, and the NASA Robert H. Goddard Outreach Award.

Elected to serve as Chairperson on the University Space Research Association's Science and Engineering Education Council and serves on the Virginia Aerospace Business Association Outreach and Scholarship Committee.